The 5 Easiest CLEP Exams for Instant College Credit

Some CLEP exams are tricky like Chemistry or Calculus or Introductory Business Law, but a few are drop dead easy. And that means you can earn college credit fast.

There are five in particular that you can pass with very little study, but honorable mentions also go to…

Human Growth and Development

Intro to Psychology

Information Systems and Computer Applications

College Mathematics

I took the last three myself, and I was able to study for each within a couple weeks; plus, all four have very high pass rates among students who took them. Most CLEP bloggers and aficionados online agree that these are four very easy tests. And I’m guessing a lot of folks know something about either computers or math. If you do, I’d really recommend the last two as the easiest CLEP exams in their respective fields.

 That aside, let’s reveal the top 5.  

 5. Spanish Language

About 91% of people pass it, and if you know Spanish at all, it’s going to seem incredibly easy. It is the most popular CLEP test and has the highest passing rate. Of course, if you don’t know Spanish, it will be harder. SpeedyPrep and Modern States have some great study resources to help you pass it. 

4. Principles of Marketing

I took this one myself back in the day using the REA study guidebook to get a grounding in it. The test was about marketing and how to sell things to people. It was a lot of commonsense with a business flavor. Within two weeks of studying, I was able to pass it. In general, 79% of people who attempt it pass it, and if you’ve got a business mindset at all, I’d highly recommend.

 3. Analyzing and Interpreting Literature

Seventy-five percent of people pass this CLEP, and because I was a literary kind of guy in high school who loved reading and literature, I passed it at age 14 with about 15 minutes of study. If you know literary terms and how to analyze poetry, this test is a breeze. A lot of CLEP bloggers rank it as the easiest CLEP exam, but if you’re not literary minded or don’t like reading for fun, it might be harder for you. If you take this CLEP exam, I’d take some practice tests that make you analyze poetry—Peterson’s are good—and I’d memorize a bunch of literary and poetry terms.

 2. Introduction to Sociology

I’m not sure why it is, but Sociology just isn’t a complicated subject in CLEP form, and the test itself is very easy with 80% of people passing. Peterson’s practice tests will set you up very well to pass this one, but Modern States is really good if you know nothing about the topic. The reason it’s so easy is that it’s mostly about interpretation of charts and scenarios, so you’ll often get presented with some data and have to use common sense to interpret the data and figure out the answer.

 1. College Composition and College Composition Modular

The first one (CC) requires a written essay, and the second (CCM) does not. If you’re a natural writer, definitely take the first, and if you’re not, remember that colleges prefer the one with the essay (CC). Truth be told, standards are not incredibly high for the essays. And the questions themselves are mostly grammar questions or questions about writing essays that you’d normally see in high school courses.

I’m sure some feel intimidated by writing—most people do—but 82% of people pass this CLEP exam. AND I used to be a terrible writer back in the day, and I still passed it, so I’m sure you can too.

To study for this one, I’d recommend getting someone who knows something about writing to give you a timed essay and to critique it, and I’d read Strunk and White’s Elements of Style. Plus, Modern States wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

If you’re ready to start testing, check out my video on 7 Fail Proof CLEP study resources! Or if you want to take the writing CLEP, sign up for a consultation with me, and I’ll critique your writing to help you prepare. Happy hacking!

Clifford Stumme

Hi! I'm a university writing center director who teaches literature classes and loves helping others to understand the deeper meanings of their favorite songs. I'm married to my beautiful wife April and love Twenty One Pilots, Mumford & Sons, Kishi Bashi, and so many others!


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