Graduate college in 12-months for $6,000 so you can build your dream career
Personalized Degree Planning for Adults Returning to College
The Biggest Obstacles between You and College
4-6 Years
The average college degree takes an adult (with a job and a family) 4-6 years, and that’s IF they graduate.
The average online degree costs $51,000. Some predatory colleges you’ve seen ads for charge much more.
Getting Lost
There’s plenty of college advice for 18-year-olds, but it’s almost impossible for adult students to get fair, reliable help.
Are these obstacles stopping you from bettering your life?
The economy treats college like a golden ticket to a dream job. But millions miss out on amazing careers because they don’t have the time or money to earn a degree.
Have you been one of the 65% who never got a college degree?
There has to be a better way . . .
. . . and there is!
You can graduate quickly and inexpensively with College Hacked.
What results can you expect?
6-18 Months
Our clients graduate FAST while averaging 20 hours of homework per week.
Average $6,000
Our clients spend from $2,000-$15,000 to graduate college, and most finish for under $4,000 depending on their major.
100% Confidence
Our clients never feel lost because we’ve helped hundreds down this path before and know exactly what they need to do.
Here’s What’s Possible
$1,400 & Six Weeks
“College Hacked was a huge life saver, time saver, and helped me realize completing my degree was a lot more manageable than I thought. They helped me shave off a year and a half of time. Book your call today because you can be weeks away from your college degree.”
~ Stephanie
$2,500 & Six Months
“College Hacked was always there to answer an email and stay updated with me throughout my journey. I took 38 alternative credits, transferred to a competency-based school, and took 10 classes in a semester to finish my bachelors.”
~ Eric
$11,000 & 17 Months
“They helped me put together a blueprint using alternative credit like Study.com! I met with them in December of 2022 and graduated with honors in April of 2024! I got accepted to Northwestern university and will start my masters in clinical counseling in June of 2024. If you’re on the fence about contacting College Hacked, I would 100% recommend them.”
~ Emerald L.
$5,500 & 8 Months
“College Hacked provided me with a strategic approach to earning my psychology degree from the University of Maine at Presque Isle (UMPI). This approach not only sped up my graduation timeline but also reduced my overall expenses. Being the first in my family to graduate, I was incredibly happy, and my parents were overjoyed as well.”
~ Randy
$11,000 & 12 Months
“If you are searching for guidance for your college educational journey, you need not search ANY further. I cannot contemplate the untold hours College Hacked has saved me in planning an accelerated and inexpensive degree.”
~ Andrew
$11,000 & 18 Months
“Meeting with College Hacked gave me immediate clarity on my next steps and the confidence I needed to take my education into my own hands.”
~ Bethany
$13,400 & 12 Months
“I wondered if my ship had sailed, if I was too old, and if I could even pass the classes. I would not be a college graduate today without your services.”
~ Nicholaus
$3,500 & 17 Months
“I have a time-consuming job as a Vice President for the YMCA, so College Hacked’s guidance helped a ton. I was able to do it all with Sophia for 90 credits. And the final 30 from UMPI. And in such a short time!”
~ Cory
When you sign up, you get two sessions!
Session 1: Pick Your Undergraduate College & Major
Some of the Colleges We Work With
In Session #1, you’ll work with your coach to clarify your longterm career goal, choose an undergraduate college major that will achieve that goal, and pick a college where you can earn that degree quickly and inexpensively. You’ll get a detailed report with all the information you need to make the right decision. After the session, depending on how much credit you already have, you might be ready to apply to your chosen school.
Session 2: Build a Step-by-Step Plan
You’ll Get a Full Degree Plan that Looks Like This General Education Example!
In Session #2, you’ll work with your coach to build a full degree plan that uses non-traditional credit (like Sophia, Study.com, and others) to earn your college credit. You’ll list every credit you need and the quickest, cheapest way to earn it. To finish the session, you’ll build a “Next Steps Action Plan” so you can get started and know exactly what to do next.
Book a Coaching Session with College Hacked!
Our clients average only $6,000 and 12 months to graduate!
Two 50-minute sessions
Session 1: Pick an Undergraduate College/Major
Session 2: Build a Step-by-step Plan
Only $495 total! Includes both session.
We call what we do “college hacking” because we think it sounds exciting and because we’re approaching college in a non-traditional way. But what “hacking” really means is just using schools’ rules to graduate from them quickly and inexpensively. Research shows that “college hackers” who use non-traditional credit are more likely to graduate, so schools actually create these policies so they can attract students like you!
You can always sign up for an “expedient” session. It costs a little more, but we leave extra slots open for people each week who might be in a big hurry! You can sign up whenever. Just click here!
While we do help clients clarify their career goals, we focus on helping you earn your bachelors degree quickly and inexpensively so that you can pursue that career. We are sometimes able to give guidance, but we strongly encourage you to come to your first meeting with a career goal in mind.
When you sign up for an appointment, you will meet with either Dr. Clifford Stumme or Dr. Lauren Daly based on who is most available. Both have years of experience in college and career advising and will provide you an excellent College Hacked experience.
All of our confirmation emails come with a "Change" link where you can reschedule. However, we are unable to accommodate reschedules within 72 hours of the appointment due to our busy schedule and limited time, but we do offer an alternative:
Clients who must cancel within 72 hours are invited to email their coach all of their questions. Their coach will record a custom video including all of the promised value of that session plus the answers to their questions. The client is then welcome to respond with further questions within 72 hours of the video being sent.
We offer a 97% refund for any requests made more than 72 hours in advance of the session. The other 3% covers processing fees that we are charged by our third-party payment processing partner as soon as a payment is made.
If a cancellation and refund are requested within 72 hours of the appointment time, we charge a $100 cancellation fee and are happy to refund the rest.
If you need to request a refund, email your assigned coach to request it.
College Hacked has worked with clients aged 13 all the way up to 80. If you’re willing to put the work in, you can do this!
College Hacked is focused on helping clients earn bachelor’s degrees quickly and inexpensively. Unfortunately, it’s very rare to be able to “hack” a master’s degree (though some options do exist in the form of competency-based programs and portfolio credit). Both of our coaches earned their doctorates with the help of portfolio credit. We’d be happy to share our personal experience, help you assess master’s programs, or give advice on hacking master’s programs that are hackable. If you’re interested, set up an appointment and clarify in the comments what you are looking for help with.
Unfortunately, college transfer credit policies do change. While we account for this in our sessions, we encourage our clients to continue to verify their degree plans once their schools assign them an advisor. We recommend our clients sign up for a “check in” session every 6-12 months to make sure their school has not changed too much.
The answer depends on you, your lifestyle, and the major you choose. Typically business majors graduate very quickly and more specialized degrees take longer. Our estimates average around 12 months, but many can finish in under a year while a few very specialized specialized majors might take as many as two years.
The answer depends on the college and major you choose as well as how you want to earn it, but the vast majority of our clients spend under $6,000. Typically, the more specialized your major is, the more you’ll spend.
Hablar español es una ventaja y puede brindarte créditos de idioma español muy rápidamente. Pero necesitarás escribir y leer en inglés para aprobar las clases universitarias estadounidenses. Si desea reunirse con nosotros y le preocupa que su inglés no sea lo suficientemente bueno, podemos proporcionarle un traductor por $50 por sesión.